The Write Person

About Linda B. Wank

Linda Wank first became the “Write Person” some twenty years ago when she provided assistance to her own children and their friends in developing essays for their college applications.  During this process she learned that patience and perseverance are paramount to helping youngsters find their voice and create a memorable piece of writing. She believes that writing is a teachable skill that everyone can learn to do well. Her practice includes working with youngsters who are applying to college or graduate programs, preparing students for the New York State ELA exams in grades 3-8 and the essay portion of the SAT, and helping those at any level who require additional assistance with writing.

Ms. Wank earned her BA and MA in education and took numerous writing courses at Columbia Teachers’ College in New York City. She is also certified in Special Education, grades K-12. She taught for thirty years in the public schools, both general education and inclusion classes, and since her retirement in 2004, has devoted herself full time to her writing practice. Her philosophy is that whether a youngster is applying to an Ivy League school or a community college, the techniques of writing a solid essay are essentially the same; they include figuring out something to say and figuring out how to say it in your own style.

Whether you are interested in a college application consultation or other types of writing instruction, Linda Wank can help. The key to success lies in individual sessions suited to the specific needs of each person. Sessions are in person or via phone and email.